Kole fields are wetlands lying at a lower level than the Mean Sea Levels. ‘Kole’ is a Malayalam word which means a bumper yield.
Bounded by the ChalakudyRiver in the South and BharathapuzhaRiver to the North, Kole fields spread over the Thrissur and Malappuram districts of Kerala over a surface area of thirty three thousand and seven hundred acres with rich and fertile Alluvium soil, and is particularly the natural drainage system for the Districts of Thrissur and Malapuram.
Rice is the primary crop in these wetlands where aquaculture is also undertaken. Usually Rice is grown during the period of December to May when rain is scarce, and aquaculture undertaken from June to November when the wetlands lay submerged in fresh water.
A significant part, rather, more than a third of rice cultivated in Kerala is from the wetlands.
The wetlands are also a habitat and nesting place for migratory birds, being the third largest location for migratory birds, in all of India.
The KolePadashekaram or wetlands, are fresh water fields and of ecological significance due to its fragile ecosystem, needing urgent protection and preservation for the benefit of the State of Kerala.
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